We would like to invite you to the next, 4th International Tunneling Forum. In this edition, we will also host speakers from abroad, representing best practices and knowledge in the field of the event’s subject matter. The position of the Tunneling Forum is confirmed by the patronage of the International Tunnel and Underground Construction Association ITA-AITES.
This time we believe that we will be able to meet live in Wrocław, but for your convenience the meeting will be organised in a hybrid format. On the last day of the conference, you will have the opportunity to take part in a technical excursion to the construction site of the S3 Bolków-Kamienna Góra Północ tunnel.
During the Forum, we will discuss the subject of underground space in the context of sustainable development, design, execution and equipment solutions in tunnel construction will be presented, using examples of specific projects implemented in different countries and Poland. This will be an overview of various technologies used in tunnel construction, depending on location and geological conditions. The second main thematic block will include information on tunnel equipment such as communication in tunnels and ventilation. Another session will be devoted to the subject of safety systems in tunnels, where acceptance tests and fire protection, among others, will be discussed.
Event with simultaneous translation Polish/English.
30 May
18:00 welcome dinner
31 May
9:00-9:30 Beginning – Ministry of Infrastructure (tbc), Sejm Infrastructure Committee (tbc), GDDKiA (tbc), Zbigniew Kotlarek President of PKD, Olivier Vion, Executive Director of ITA-AITES
9:30-10:30 Session I Underground space and sustainable development
9:30-9:45 World trends in tunnel construction, Olivier Vion, Executive Director ITA-AITES
9:45-10:00 Carbon footprint in tunnel construction, Tarcisio B. Celestino, University of California – Berkeley (UCB), Technical University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
10:00-10:15 Current status of the PIARC Technical Committee on TC 4.4 Tunnels including the PIARC Tunnel Handbook, Dr. Ingo Kaundinya, Chair of PIARC TC4.4 Tunnels, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
10:15-10:30 questions and answers
10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-12:45 Session II Tunnelling methods
11:00-11:15 – Experiences in tunnel surface construction based on projects in Austria and Germany, Martin Langer, STRABAG Großprojekte GmbH, Zentrale Technik, Germany
11:15-11:30 – Pavements in tunnels, Prof. Dr. Antoni Szydło, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology, Prof. Tomasz Siwowski, Rzeszów University of Technology
11:30-11:45 Tunnelling methods – examples of projects in Poland, Piotr Sarnowski, Regional Director, PORR
11:45-12:00 Technical versus exploratory reconnaissance of rock mass geology during tunnel construction (observations at TS-26, Sudety Mountains, Poland) , Paweł Zagożdżon, PhD, Katarzyna D. Zagożdżon, Wojciech Kaczan M.Sc., Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Department of Mining, Wroclaw University of Technology
12:00-12:15 ULMA formwork systems for tunnel construction and examples of their application, Przemysław Romański, ULMA Construccion Polska S.A.
12:15-12:30 Ground freezing on the construction of Świnoujście tunnel as a way to minimize execution risks, Tomasz Fortuna, Deputy Contract Director, Gulermak
12:30-12:45 questions and answers
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13:45-15:30 Session III Tunnel equipment
13:45-14:00 Quality and reliability of lighting in road tunnels – system solutions on the example of Wisłostrada, Signify Poland Sp. z o.o.
14:00-14:15 Ventilation – national experience, Prof. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Building Research Institute
14:15-14:30 Ventilation in tunnels, best foreign experience, Prof. Peter Sturm, WG-leader in TC4.4.
14:30-14:45 Ventilation of tunnels on the example of three solutions, FRAPOL Sp. z o.o.
14:45-15:00 On the right track. Repair systems, protective coatings, resins – solutions from P&T Mortars, Wojciech Buczek, Hufgard Polska
15:00-15:15 questions and answers
15:15-15:45 coffee break
15:45-17:30 Session IV Safety systems in tunnels – acceptance, testing, systems
15:45-16:00 Fire systems inspections and acceptance tests in tunnels – KG State Fire Service
16:00-16:15 What is fire fighting in road tunnels? Wojciech Pliszka, PLISZKA Fire Protection Engineering
16:15-16:45 International experience in fire protection of tunnels with sprinkler systems, Ulf Lundström, Safety officer TRAFIKVERKET Swedish Road Administration
16:45-17:00 Catalogue of tunnel safety requirements in road traffic and the method of assessing the impact of technical and organisational measures on safety in road tunnels (finalist of EXCELLENCE IN ROAD SAFETY AWARDS 2021 of the European Commission), Marek Różycki President of the Board Safety Advisor, m/d/r/k Trusted Advisers Group sp z o.o.
17:00 – 17:15 Work safety in tunnels, Lidia Markowska, GDDKiA O/Wrocław
17:15-17:30 questions and answers
20:00 Dinner
1 June
9:00-12:00 Technical excursion – construction of S3 Bolków-Kamienna Góra North tunnel
12:00- 13:00 lunch
Terms of participation:
Terms of participation:
The fee for participation in the Forum is:
A. On-line participation
80 Euros
This fee includes:
- participation in the Forum, possibility to ask questions to the speakers,
- conference materials (sent by e-mail).
B. On-site participation:
400 Euros
This fee includes:
- participation in the Forum on 31.05.2022,
- conference materials,
- dinner on 30.05.2022,
- coffee service, lunch on 31.05.2022,
- gala dinner on 31.05.2022,
- technical visit on 1.06.2022,
- dinner on 30.05.2022.
* fees do not include accommodation and parking fees
The conference will be held in the Novotel Wrocław Centrum Hotel
Powstańców Śląskich Street 7; 53-332 Wrocław
Reservation of rooms on the password PKD HA073@ACCOR.COM
To participate in the Forum, it is required to complete an online registration form and pay the participation fee to the Polish Road Congress’ bank account at Alior Bank S.A. no: PL58 2490 0005 0000 4600 9671 2068 no later than May 25, 2022.
The payment may be deferred after confirmation with the Organizer. Failure to make the payment on time is not tantamount to resignation from participation in the event. The organizer reserves the right to keep payments made less than 48 hours before the start of the event and not to grant access to the event online.
The participant may withdraw his application to the Forum at no cost by submitting a written statement by May 25, 2022. The resignation should be sent from the address provided in the application form to the address: biuro@kongresdrogowy.pl. In case of resignation on later date, the Organizer will charge the Participant with the full cost of participation.
The organizer is not responsible for any damage or inability to join the online event caused by providing incorrect registration data, failure to perform or improper registration, failure by the user to have the appropriate equipment, software or Internet connection required to conduct the online event.
By submitting the application, you accept the Regulations for participation in conferences organized by the Polish Road Congress Association. Also you confirm that you read and accepted the rules for the processing of personal data.
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